
Category: Circuitos
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circuito.jpg Circuitos
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rar.png Bourneville 050fHOT
(1 vote)

Bourneville (2005)

Gavin Clark.
2.54 Miles (4.01 Kilometres)

version=050f / TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Miércoles, 12 Noviembre 2014 19:16
Changed Domingo, 10 Enero 2021 23:47
Version 050f
Size 3.15 MB
Downloads 1,056
(2 votes)

Brake Distance Test (2002)

Justin Martin

TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Jueves, 12 Febrero 2015 17:35
Changed Martes, 05 Enero 2021 12:02
Version 050f
Size 1.12 MB
Downloads 1,489
zip.png Brands Hatch 050fHOT
(4 votes)

Brands Hatch (2001)

Milestone for EAs SBK2001 converted by Emil Johansson aka mh - mods by the AlfaNut
length=4 km ~ 2.5 miles

version=050f / TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Jueves, 12 Febrero 2015 17:11
Changed Jueves, 07 Enero 2021 23:08
Version 050f
Size 3.27 MB
Downloads 1,184
(2 votes)

Brands Hatch V2 (2011)

version=090 / TESTED OK: Racer v0.90 RC6

Created Martes, 03 Febrero 2015 17:58
Changed Jueves, 07 Enero 2021 22:27
Version 090
Size 11.68 MB
Downloads 1,444
rar.png Bridge Drive 050fHOT
(6 votes)

Bridge Drive (2005)


TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Jueves, 12 Febrero 2015 17:32
Changed Lunes, 04 Enero 2021 15:24
Version 050f
Size 5.05 MB
Downloads 1,836
(6 votes)

Bridge Drive v2 (2005)


TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Miércoles, 11 Febrero 2015 17:15
Changed Lunes, 04 Enero 2021 22:22
Version 050f
Size 5.04 MB
Downloads 1,566
7z.png BRNO D1 090HOT
(3 votes)

BRNO D1 (2001)

Wickes (conv.), Ryan T (misc.), Update to V090RC5+ by Alex Knoll.
Czech Republic

version=090 / TESTED OK: Racer v0.90 RC4

Created Jueves, 01 Mayo 2014 21:37
Changed Martes, 05 Enero 2021 12:26
Version 090
Size 10.46 MB
Downloads 1,444
(4 votes)

Broken Springs Carpark (2005)

creator=David I (DavidIau)

version=050f / TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Miércoles, 11 Febrero 2015 17:05
Changed Miércoles, 06 Enero 2021 21:10
Version 050f
Size 6.26 MB
Downloads 1,405
rar.png Broussailles 088bHOT
(11 votes)

Broussailles (2006)


TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Martes, 11 Marzo 2014 12:37
Changed Domingo, 27 Diciembre 2020 14:37
Version 088b
Size 27.55 MB
Downloads 7,514
(2 votes)

Buenos Aires, Aerodrome (2001)

F1C conversion by Teancum; author unkown
length=2.646 miles / 4.258 km

version=050f / TESTED OK: Racer v0.84

Created Lunes, 09 Febrero 2015 16:06
Changed Sábado, 09 Enero 2021 20:14
Version 050f
Size 4.55 MB
Downloads 1,210